Hi there and thank you for buying Craze premium Bigcommerce stencil theme, a digital product from Meggnotec. In order to get the most out of our theme, please make sure to carefully read all of the information contained in this page. Use the table of contents at the top of this page to jump to a relevant section.
These change the background color and color schemes of the theme. You can change colors of any element by typing in the hex number directly or clicking the color swatch and selecting from the color picker. The color picker also allows you to save colors you have picked by clicking the “+” icon. This makes creating a color palette easy.
Banner Background — changes the background color that appears behind text on a banner
Page Background Color — this will change the background color of the overall site. It does not change the color of the header or footer backgrounds
Primary Line — changes the color of lines that divide header, footer and product description
Modal Overlay Background Color — the color of the overlay when using quick view
Common Dark Background — changes the color of dark backgrounds such as the block that appears when a shopper adds a product to the cart
Alert Popup box Background — changes the color of popup messages and alerts
This changes the font face, link colors, and text colors.
Body text font family — changes the color of plain text on the body of page . It will change the color of the price on a product’s page, the product description, and any text in the body of a web page
Body text font size — color of the empty portion of the spinner
Body text color — color of the filled portion of the spinner
Body text hover color — affects the color of text, such as Logo Text, when you hover a cursor over it
Secondary Text Color — changes the color of text used as subtitles, such as the links in the footer, the price of the product on the home page, and category breadcrumbs
Secondary Text Hover Color — affects the color of text such as the text in the footer when a cursor hovers over it
Link Color — any links made on webpages will have this color.
Link Hover Color — the color displayed when a cursor hovers over a link
Link Active Color — the color that displays when a user clicks a link. This may display quickly and may not appear at all on some browsers.
This affects text blocks that are considered Headings. These are commonly used for product names, titles and carousel labels.
Font family — select the font face to use for all headings
Heading level 1 — changes the size of large titles, such as the title of a Category or the Featured Product section on the home page
Heading level 2 — changes the size of h2 headings, such as the price on a product’s page
Heading level 3 — changes the size of h3 headings, such as heading text within a webpage or product description
Heading level 4 — changes the size of h4 text, such as heading text within a webpage or product description
Heading level 5 — changes the size of h5 text, such as product names, top navigation, Carousel button text, and Related Products tab
Heading level 6 — changes the size of h6 text, such as the titles of options
Heading text color — This affects the size and style of text found on the body of pages, including product descriptions, product prices on the storefront page and the account links in the upper right corner of the page.
For pages with lots of information or large images, a loading indicator will appear to shoppers either as a spinner or as a loading bar.
Pace Bar Color — color of the loading bar
Spinner Light Half — color of the empty portion of the spinner
Spinner Dark Half — color of the filled portion of the spinner
Modal loading Background — the color of the loading overlay
Product thumbnail loading background — a color that appears while a thumbnail image loads
Change the way products are displayed on category pages.
Display mode — select to display in a grid or a list
Adjust the image sizes for blogs.
Blog image size — set it to optimize for theme or specify dimensions
Controls how prices are displayed on products.
Price Ranges — show the range of price options for products with variants.
Restrict Purchase to Login — hide prices and add to cart buttons unless shoppers are logged in
Logo Size — adjust the size of the Logo to be the Original (as uploaded), Optimized for the theme, or Specify Dimensions. If Specify Dimensions is select, two boxes for max height and width will appear, allowing you to enter dimensions. When you enter either dimension, Theme Editor will automatically adjust the opposite dimension to maintain the image’s original aspect ratio. The Optimized option’s size is 200 x 60 pixels.